If you're looking at this, you're in trouble! or better yet you are preparing to get out of trouble before you get there.
When I feel a slump or stuck or just not inspired, I have a list of things that I know have to be present for me to get back to an excited peak state where I will be compelled to put in the work.
Is there one area of my life that I am unhappy with that is spilling over or am I unhappy with multiple areas?
Have I defined a role for the area of my life I am unhappy with?
Have I evaluated where I am in that area of my life?
Have I decided what I want that area of my life to look like?
Is it attractive enough for me to get motivated?
Have I reviewed my vision lately? If so and I'm not excited by it, I know I need to make it more exciting.
Have I imagined what it will be like and who I will be when I achieve my vision?
Have I spent time feeling gratitude for what I have already achieved in the area(s) I am unhappy?
Do I have clear and specific goals?
Can I find any low hanging fruit that gets me closer to my vision? Sometimes a little action gets me motivated again.
Have I created an environment that supports my goals? Is it full of distractions?
Have I reviewed my last 90 days of wins to see how much progress I have made?
Have I spent time feeling gratitude for the people, experiences, and accomplishments I have in my life now?
Have I disconnected from work or other areas that can be a source of burn out to let my mind and body recover?
Am I using my routines that energize me and put me into a peak state?